RKL eSolutions Blog

Managing exempt sales during the rise of economic nexus

Written by Sofia Pascuzzo | Jul 23, 2019 9:18:00 AM


Your guide to managing exempt sales during the rise of economic nexus

It can be confusing managing sales tax on products or services that are exempt from sales tax. What if you are audited, do you have records of valid documentation for each transaction? If you don't you could face fines, tax penalties. Throw into the mix the SCOTUS ruling on South Dakota v Wayfair ruling were states can now charge sales tax on purchases made from out of state sellers, even those without a physical presence. 

Does your company have a handle on exemption certification management? Achieving complete sales tax compliance is only possible if you understand how to properly collect and maintain exemption certificates to support your company’s sales process.

DOWNLOAD “Managing Exempt Sales During the Rise of Economic Nexus” and learn:

  • How economic nexus may impact your exempt sales and overall sales tax compliance picture
  • What details require special attention
  • How to evaluate your supply chain and drop shipping relationships to understand how they influence sales tax obligations