RKL eSolutions Blog

SQL Immersion - Week 2

Written by Joe Noll | Mar 15, 2011 2:58:45 AM

It has been a long time since I have written on my Blog, mostly lack of time. I know this is something that I need to do more of but when juggling things it seems to move down the priority list. However after today I felt I needed to express myself.

I am attending week 2 of the SQL Immersion traing from www.sqlskills.com. It is a very in-depth training related to Microsoft SQL Server which provides very technical deep dive, level 400 training. This may or may not provide information related to the Microsoft Certified Master. This was my initial thoughts in attending these training events, to assist in preparation for the MCM. I will say now that I am only through day 1 of week 2, I can say that I am still thinking about and focused on my MCM, but the information that I have obtained has provided clarification to me that will make be a much better resource to my colleagues and clients.

To be able to participate in an event like this, with the talent that teaching these sessions as well as attending these events is both an enormous learning privilege and a tremendous honor.

I am expandind my expertise of Microsoft SQL Server and gained a more confident belief in what I already know about this product. You never know how much you know until you are surrounded by such talented individuals. It is both humbling and enlightening.

If you have ever considered attending any training and you get the opportunity to be able to attend one of the events conducted by the Team from SQLSkills, I encourage you to do so. It is money well spent.

As I said previously, we are only through day 1 of week 2 and I felt like we covered about a weeks worth of information today alone. I am so looking forward to the remaining 4 days this week.