RKL eSolutions Blog Trends and Insights

The Power of Real-Time Reporting and Collaboration in Construction

The advancements in construction materials have been truly remarkable. We're able to recycle concrete and with the use of more environmentally sustainable materials like carbon fibers, our projects are more structurally sound. With us providing the very best materials to our construction teams, it only makes sense to demand the same level of performance and precision in the functionalities of our operational and financial software like real-time reporting and collaboration and reducing delays and waste.

Real-time reporting is a game-changer in the construction industry. In the past, collecting time data in the field was a cumbersome task, often resulting in unreadable and miscoded information. But now, this data can be instantly delivered, accessible for supervisor approval from anywhere, and accurately recorded with a smart list. Change order management is also made easier, preventing any loss of money on the job due to unreported issues.

By using cloud-based financial software, we can significantly reduce delays and improve cost savings. For instance, with real-time reporting, we can keep track of when and how many materials are on the job site, as well as their condition upon delivery. This eliminates any delays in reporting back charges from damages and allows us to document them with pictures. By using better estimates and material takeoffs, we can minimize construction mistakes and order the right amount of materials with precise measurements and bid/buyout tools to get the best price.

Real-time collaboration is another area where technology has revolutionized project management. By providing a platform for subcontractors, project managers, and stakeholders to communicate, share drawings, review proposed and approved change orders, and report variances, we can greatly improve the timeliness and cost-effectiveness of our projects. This ensures that everyone is on the same page, both within and outside of our company avoiding costly mistakes and miscommunications.

After completing a job, it's important to review and analyze our work. A powerful software allows us to do this with ease, using data dimensions that enable us to compare similar projects or those done by specific project managers. Whether you prefer to slice, dice, or display your data in a different way, using operational software makes it easier than ever to accomplish these tasks.

A strong construction-based cloud application with these features could be the solution to staying ahead of your competition. While cutting-edge technology may not necessarily differentiate you from others, not having it will certainly leave you behind. Real-time reporting allows you to closely monitor and control your margins, while budgeting and PO systems help avoid cost overruns and identify issues early in the process. Collaborating with all stakeholders ensures a smooth workflow, preventing costly mistakes and miscommunications.

In conclusion, using operational and financial software is crucial for the construction industry. Not only do they offer numerous benefits such as reducing waste, improving cost savings, and enhancing project timelines, but they also allow for seamless communication and effective project analysis.


Ben Hofferman

Written by Ben Hofferman

Ben Hofferman is the Chief Construction Officer at RKL eSolutions LLC. As the previous founder and CEO of CPA Technology of 25+ years, Ben is focused on expanding the growth opportunities for future and current customers. He currently serves on the General Building Contractors Association's (GBCA) Technology Committee.